Finnish Psychology Students’ Association (FPSA)
Finnish Psychology Student Association (FPSA) is a national student organization, which gathers all psychology students from 6 different universities. The Board of management consists of representatives from each local student organization. The main aim is to promote the interests of psychology students and spread information about important matters about study or professional field. Besides promoting the interests and informing, FPSA organizes all kind of events every year, including scientific conferences and more playful events like Olympics for students. Events are an opportunity to have fun with other psychology students around Finland, but most importantly to get in touch with future to-be-colleagues.
Contact information
Every mail for FPSA should be addressed to the president of SPOL, Sara Lindqvist. You can also contact Sara Lindqvist via e-mail.
SPOL ry/Sara Lindqvist
c/o Impuls r.f.
Tehtaankatu 2
20500 Turku
e-mail: pj(a)
You can also contact other members of our board of management via e-mail. The e-mail addresses can be found here. Our board of management also has a common e-mail address:
If you want to contact every psychology student in Finland, there is a common e-mail address for all the members of FPSA:
You can also find us from Facebook and Instagram (username: spol_ry)!